HomeNewsOnline submission of documents for Driving License or Registration of cars

Online submission of documents for Driving License or Registration of cars

HomeNewsOnline submission of documents for Driving License or Registration of cars

Online submission of documents for Driving License or Registration of cars

No more standing in queues to get your Driving License or Registration of cars. Now an online appointment can be taken for Driving License or Registration of cars like a passport. From the month of February, the system will be launched for online appointments.

According to Rakesh Popli the Registration and Licensing Authority, an online system is being launched for the convenience of the public. The transport Department is taking an initiative towards Organ Donation as well. In the application form, people will be asked for organ donation and the answer will also be mentioned on their D/L.

Driving License or Registration of cars

Online Application

A Software Sarathi 4.0 will be launched for online application. Through this software, the documents could be submitted online by scanning or clicking photograph through your mobile phone. After the submission of the documents, a particular date will be provided for the verification of the documents at the office.

Express Counter

Two separate Express Counters are introduced for the online applicants. The applicants could get their documented verified and submit fees for getting their D/L.

The introduction of this online system was important because Chandigarh has always experienced difficulty in getting their driving license or registration of cars. Now no more crippling and people can their registration is done at a quicker pace.

Later on, the Registration Licensing Authority will be introducing E-Payment portal for the public to submit the fees online. People could also fill their other road taxes through this online portal. The Licensing Authority has proposed for this operation. After the permission of the Government, an online website will be created for the purpose.


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