HomeLIFESTYLETricks to survive hot summer nights without air conditioners

Tricks to survive hot summer nights without air conditioners

HomeLIFESTYLETricks to survive hot summer nights without air conditioners

Tricks to survive hot summer nights without air conditioners

The scorching summer heat is hard on our bodies, our moods, and our electric bills. Don’t let the temperature get you down, though. Living through hot summer nights without AC seems impossible but, hey, our grandparents did it all the time! Turns out, they learned a few things in the process.

Know the ways to survive hot summer nights without AC

Choose Cotton

Wear cotton clothes and save all the light coloured cotton bedsheets for summers for promoting ventilation and airflow in the bedroom.

hot summer nights without AC

Feel the Freeze

Wrap your bedsheets in a plastic bag and place them in a freezer before placing them on the bed, it’ll help you respite from heat and humidity.

Experience cold comfort

Take your hot water bottles and stick it in the freezer to create bed friendly ice packs to beat the heat.

hot summer nights without AC


Childhood trick

Place a bowl full of ice in front of the table fan and the fan’s breeze shall gather the cold water from the ice as it melts to create a cooling mist in the room.

Fill your tank

At night sweating can make you feel dehydrated so fill up your tank beforehand by drinking a glass of water before bed.

hot summer nights without AC

Shower time

Take a cold shower to cool off your body after strenuous work. The shower brings down the core body temperature and rinses off sweat makes you feel cool and clean.

hot summer nights without AC

Turn off the lights

I suppose you all know that lights emit radiations which produce heat so turn off the lights and enjoy the natural light of the moon at nights or use it to minimal to stay cool.

hot summer nights without AC

Hang out

Cool down a whole room by hanging a wet sheet in front of an open window. The breeze blowing in will quickly bring down the room’s temperature.

Stay cool and enjoy these summers without paying those extreme electricity bills. These tricks are actually so simple to survive hot summer nights without AC Stay Eco-friendly!!

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