updates – Chandigarh Bytes https://chandigarhbytes.com Thu, 04 Mar 2021 06:11:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://chandigarhbytes.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/cropped-CB-Small-1-32x32.png updates – Chandigarh Bytes https://chandigarhbytes.com 32 32 Get your elderly vaccinated against COVID by following these simple steps! https://chandigarhbytes.com/get-your-elderly-vaccinated-against-covid-by-following-these-simple-steps/ Tue, 02 Mar 2021 08:02:30 +0000 https://chandigarhbytes.com/?p=7245 The Indian government is all set to step into the third phase of vaccination. Now, you can get your elderly vaccinated against the COVID by registering them on the Cowin website. Senior citizens aged above 60 years and elderly aged 45 with comorbidities can get themselves registered to get vaccinated.  A user guide to let […]

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The Indian government is all set to step into the third phase of vaccination. Now, you can get your elderly vaccinated against the COVID by registering them on the Cowin website. Senior citizens aged above 60 years and elderly aged 45 with comorbidities can get themselves registered to get vaccinated. 

Beneficiaries complained glitches in registration for vaccination on Co-WIN  platform

A user guide to let know all the know-how of the registration process has been uploaded on the websites of the Union Ministry of Health & Family Welfare and the National Health Authority (NHA).

Important things to note…

  1. There is no CoWIN app on the PlayStore for registration as the app is for administrators only. 
  2. The registrations opened at 9 AM on March 1 and will be open till 3 PM every day. The availability of slots nearby to get vaccinated is subject to availability.

Follow these simple steps for registration:

  1. Citizens can go to http://www.cowin.gov.in to register themselves or via the Aarogya Setu app, which has CoWIN app integration. 
  2. Download the Aarogya Setu app from the play store or visit the Cowin.gov.in website from your desktop.
  3. Enter your mobile number and click on the OTP (One Time Password). Enter the OTP received on your mobile number and click on the verify button.
Corona vaccination: आरोग्य सेतु ऐप से भी कर सकते हैं कोरोना वैक्सीन के लिए  रजिस्ट्रेशन, यहां जानिए पूरा प्रोसेस | Zee Business Hindi
  1. In the Aarogya Setu app, go to the CoWin tab, and tap on the Vaccination tab. And then proceed.
  2. A registration page will appear where you will need to enter the photo ID type ( Driving License, Aadhaar Card as photo ID proof), number, and your full name, gender, and age of the person. 
  3. If you are registering for the person with Comorbidities. Click yes, when they ask ‘Do you have any comorbidities (pre-existing medical conditions)’. People age between 45 years to 60 years will need to carry a medical certificate when they go for the appointment. Once registered, a confirmation message will be sent to the registered mobile number.
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  1. After the registration is completed, the system will display account details. One person can add four more people linked to the mobile number verified before. You can click on the ‘Add button’ and enter the details of other individuals to register for them as well.
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  1. There appears a column named ‘Action’ in front of the names. And alongside it, there is a calendar icon, where you can schedule an appointment.
  2. You will land on the “Book Appointment for Vaccination” page. Enter details like State/UT, District, Block, and Pincode. Hit the ‘ Search’ Button
  3. Choose the vaccination center at your convenience. You can also choose dates from the next week and then click on the “Book” option.
  4. An “Appointment Confirmation” page will open showing the details of the booking. You can either click on “Confirm” if the information is correct or click on “Back” to make changes.
cowin, cowin vaccine registration, cowin vaccine registration link, cowin app, cowin app for registration, cowin app for vaccine, cowin app covid 19 vaccine, cowin app download, cowin app register, cowin app registration, cowin app covid, cowin app covid regration, covid 19 vaccine registration, coronavirus vaccine registration, covid vaccine registration
  1. Viola! Your “Appointment is Successful” will appear showing all the details. You can also download and save the confirmation of the details.
  2.  If in any circumstance, you want to reschedule your appointment, you can log in with your mobile number, enter OTP and make the changes by clicking on the edit icon below the ‘Action’ column against registered individuals. 

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NewsBytes: RLA, Chandigarh Mandated HSRP & Colour Coded Stickers for all the Vehicles https://chandigarhbytes.com/newsbytes-rla-chandigarh-mandated-hsrp-colour-coded-stickers-for-all-the-vehicles/ Thu, 04 Feb 2021 10:28:39 +0000 https://chandigarhbytes.com/?p=7224 The Registration and Licensing Authority, Chandigarh, is going for stricter implementation of mandatory high-security registration plates (HSRPs) and third registration marks (color-coded stickers) on all old and new vehicles registered in the city. From March, the RLA will ask the police to impose a fine of ₹3,000 and ₹5,000 on two- and four-wheelers, respectively, found in violation. […]

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The Registration and Licensing Authority, Chandigarh, is going for stricter implementation of mandatory high-security registration plates (HSRPs) and third registration marks (color-coded stickers) on all old and new vehicles registered in the city.

From March, the RLA will ask the police to impose a fine of 3,000 and 5,000 on two- and four-wheelers, respectively, found in violation. As of now, the deadline of February 28 has been set only for CH01BK and BL series. To prevent any rush, staggered enforcement will be followed for other series.

Image result for high security number plate chandigarh

Things to you should know…

  • For vehicles registered after the introduction of dealer-point vehicle registration in 2019, the RC was not issued without an HSRP. But, for vehicles registered earlier, there was a lack of uniformity in number plates
  • Owners of vehicles with numbers in CH01BK and CH01BL series can apply for affixing HSRP and third registration mark at the RLA office in Sector 17 by February 28 as per the procedure available on the website chdtransport.gov.in
  • For vehicles in CH01BM to BT series, too, owners can apply at the RLA office, though no deadline has been set. Similarly, owners of vehicles in other old or existing series can apply at the RLA office or the SDM (south) office at the Sports Complex in Sector 42 or the SDM (east) office at the CTU Workshop in Industrial Area, Phase 1.
  • The replacement of an existing registration plate can be done only after ensuring that the old plate has been surrendered and destroyed on the office premises.

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Get Ready to Hail a Cab, in the Air! Chandigarh to get India’s First Air Taxi Services https://chandigarhbytes.com/get-ready-to-hail-a-cab-in-the-air-chandigarh-to-get-indias-first-air-taxi-services/ Fri, 15 Jan 2021 05:26:15 +0000 https://chandigarhbytes.com/?p=7211 Yesterday Harayana’s CM Khattar inaugurated India’s first-ever Air Taxi service from Chandigarh to Hisar. The first flight of this air taxi was flagged off from Chandigarh to the newly constructed Hisar airport, under the UDAN Scheme – Ude Desh Ka Aam Nagrik. The distance from Chandigarh to Hisar will be covered by 45 minutes. In the 2nd […]

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Yesterday Harayana’s CM Khattar inaugurated India’s first-ever Air Taxi service from Chandigarh to Hisar.

The first flight of this air taxi was flagged off from Chandigarh to the newly constructed Hisar airport, under the UDAN Scheme – Ude Desh Ka Aam Nagrik. The distance from Chandigarh to Hisar will be covered by 45 minutes.

Haryana Launches Air Taxi Services From Chandigarh To Hisar

In the 2nd phase, services for Hisar to Dehradun will be started on 18 January. In the 3rd phase, two more routes from Chandigarh to Dehradun and Hisar to Dharamshala will be added on 23 January. The company also plans to include Shimla, Kullu, and more Haryana routes,” said Harayana’s CM Khattar.

So Chandigarhians, are you ready for this one of its kind experience?
Let’s us know your thought. And don’t forget to follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.

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NewsBytes: Adminstation banned the use of Chinese Kite String https://chandigarhbytes.com/newsbytes-adminstation-banned-the-use-of-chinese-kite-string/ Tue, 22 Dec 2020 05:48:59 +0000 https://chandigarhbytes.com/?p=7183 Chandigarh’s Administration has banned the sale and use of “maanjha/pakka dori” or “Chinese kite string” for flying kites in the city. These ‘pakka thread/dori’ or ‘Chinese maanjha/Dori are made of synthetic material, and are non-biodegradable. They tend to cause serious injuries to human beings, and the migratory birds and are equally disadvantageous to the wildlife […]

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Chandigarh’s Administration has banned the sale and use of “maanjha/pakka dori” or “Chinese kite string” for flying kites in the city.

These ‘pakka thread/dori’ or ‘Chinese maanjha/Dori are made of synthetic material, and are non-biodegradable. They tend to cause serious injuries to human beings, and the migratory birds and are equally disadvantageous to the wildlife and environment.”

The District Magistrate says,“Chinese maanjhas’ or such other harmful substances for kite-flying are banned in Chandigarh for 60 days,”

The ban would come into force with immediate effect and would be effective till February 18, 2021. Any breach of the order would invite action.

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NewsBytes: Mohali’s update on Social Gathering; 100 for indoor & 250 for outdoor events https://chandigarhbytes.com/newsbytes-mohalis-update-on-social-gathering-100-for-indoor-250-for-outdoor-events/ Thu, 17 Dec 2020 05:41:22 +0000 https://chandigarhbytes.com/?p=7173 The night curfew is still from 10 pm to 5 am and the closure timing of hotels,& restaurants by 9.30 pm till December 31. For Social gatherings, 100 are allowed for indoor events and 250 for outdoor. Any violation of these guidelines shall be punishable under sections 51to 60 of the Disaster Management Act, 2005 […]

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The night curfew is still from 10 pm to 5 am and the closure timing of hotels,& restaurants by 9.30 pm till December 31. For Social gatherings, 100 are allowed for indoor events and 250 for outdoor.

Any violation of these guidelines shall be punishable under sections 51to 60 of the Disaster Management Act, 2005 besides legal action under section 188 of the Indian Penal Code.

The total positive cases in the district are 17,203, of which 14,858 have been cured. The active cases in the district are 2,027. With no death today, the toll stands at 318 in the district.

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NewsBytes: 700 trees will be axed for the Tribune Chownk Flyover https://chandigarhbytes.com/newsbytes-700-trees-will-be-axed-for-the-tribune-chownk-flyover/ Wed, 16 Dec 2020 06:15:50 +0000 https://chandigarhbytes.com/?p=7158 A year after the high court stayed the axing and transplanting of trees for Chandigarh’s first flyover at Tribune Chowk, the UT administration has decided to go ahead with the project at last. The flyover is to be built from the GMCH-32 roundabout up to the railway overbridge near Hallomajra. In March 2019, the UT […]

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A year after the high court stayed the axing and transplanting of trees for Chandigarh’s first flyover at Tribune Chowk, the UT administration has decided to go ahead with the project at last.

The flyover is to be built from the GMCH-32 roundabout up to the railway overbridge near Hallomajra. In March 2019, the UT administrator had laid its foundation stone. However, NGO, The Run Club, moved the High Court for cutting of trees, The project got further delayed. Later the administration got busy in Covid-19 pandemic management.

Now, the UT adviser is submitting a report in the High Court before January 11, which is the next date of hearing. The report is in favor of constructing the flyover mainly stating “Earlier, 2,700 trees were to be axed, but now only 700 will be removed.”

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NewsBytes: Chandigarh Citizen will have to register for COVID vaccine via an app https://chandigarhbytes.com/newsbytes-chandigarh-citizen-will-have-to-register-for-covid-vaccine-via-an-app/ Mon, 14 Dec 2020 05:30:47 +0000 https://chandigarhbytes.com/?p=7146 Chandigarh’s vaccination plan is set and out. And According to the plan, citizens wanting to receive the shot of vaccine have to register for it first via a smartphone app. The plan also states the priorities of citizens who will be getting vaccines first. Initially, the vaccine will be given to healthcare workers first, then […]

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Chandigarh’s vaccination plan is set and out. And According to the plan, citizens wanting to receive the shot of vaccine have to register for it first via a smartphone app.

The plan also states the priorities of citizens who will be getting vaccines first. Initially, the vaccine will be given to healthcare workers first, then people over 50 and the comorbid population i.e. people with diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and other common comorbidities. While the list of registered healthcare workers is already being prepared by the govt., the remaining citizen will have to register in advance on the CoWin-20 mobile app.

Registration will be done through three methods – bulk registration, self-registration and registration through the survey.

Health and frontline workers are being registered through the bulk method.

After registration, an SMS will be sent with details of the vaccination session site, date, and time. Post-vaccination online certificates will be provided.

CoWin-20: All You Need To Know

As of now, the vaccination sites are planned at GMSH-16, GMCH-32 and the civil hospitals. These may also be set up at government schools and community centers as the program are scaled up.

The session sites will have separate entry and exit points. “There will be three rooms for the vaccination process. In the first room, the registered person will be medically examined, while the vaccine will be administered in the second. Thereafter, the person will be under observation for 30 minutes in the third before being allowed to leave,” said Dr. Amandeep Kang, director of health services, UT.


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NewsBytes: Bicycle Sharing Project launched in Chandigarh https://chandigarhbytes.com/newsbytes-bicycle-sharing-project-launched-in-chandigarh/ Thu, 10 Dec 2020 09:38:17 +0000 https://chandigarhbytes.com/?p=7130 The bicycle-sharing project has started in Chandigarh today as a pilot project under the “Cycles4Change Challenge”. It has cycles on a half-hourly payment basis. Chandigarh is one of the 95 cities in the country taking part in the challenge to make city dwellers cycle-friendly and increase zero-carbon mobility. It will be launched with 25 docking […]

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The bicycle-sharing project has started in Chandigarh today as a pilot project under the “Cycles4Change Challenge”. It has cycles on a half-hourly payment basis. Chandigarh is one of the 95 cities in the country taking part in the challenge to make city dwellers cycle-friendly and increase zero-carbon mobility. It will be launched with 25 docking stations and 250 bicycles.

SmartBike Mobility

SmartBike Mobility assisted Chandigarh with this bicycling sharing project. The company had already set up smart bikes in cities like Delhi, Chennai, and Hyderabad. 

For smart bikes, the taker will have to pay Rs 5 for half an hour for cycling and Rs 10 for non-members. The cycles will never get punctured. Nor the air is required to fill in the tires.

These will have 60 e-bicycles and 40 pedal bicycles, with GPS installed, non-members will be alerted as soon as they are out of range

Bicycles Cost:

The price of smartbike electric is rumored to be purchased around 65 thousand by the company, while the price of a pedaled bicycle is said to be 30 thousand. All these will be controlled by the company’s centralized control room. The server room will be in Hyderabad. Later it will be shifted to the city here soon. 

Cycles will Beep when they go out of range

If a non-member comes out of the range of the area with a bicycle, the beep will start ringing at all the docking stations. The company’s field staff will take the bicycle and catch the fleeing person on the spot. A presentation has been given by Advisor cum Chairman Smart City Limited on behalf of Chandigarh Smart City Limited regarding this project. 

Money will be deducted from Fleeting Non-members account

Non-members will have to download the Smart Bike Mobility app after scanning the QR code on the docking station mounted. Your Aadhaar number has to be written in the app. After this, the cycle number has to be written, then the lock will open from the docking station of the bicycle. You can go to the designated area by bicycle. By accessing the docking station there, the lock of the bicycle can be closed through the app. There will be a deduction of money from there. Non-member half an hour will deduct 10 rupees.

Membership is also available

If you apply for membership, the money will get deducted from the smart cards.

Multiple Docking Stations around the City

Docking centers were built in front of RBI in Sector-17 of the city, in front of TDI Mall, near Batra Building, Punjab University, PGI, GMSH-16, Punjab-Haryana High Court, Sukhna Lake, Rock Garden, Sector-22 Mobile Market Will go Where the bicycle can be taken and kept.

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NewsBytes: Chandigarh administration to declare 3 e-governance services https://chandigarhbytes.com/newsbytes-chandigarh-administration-to-declare-3-e-governance-services/ Thu, 10 Dec 2020 05:04:19 +0000 https://chandigarhbytes.com/?p=7126 While being on the endeavor of making services online for the new age internet savvy people, Chandigarh administration’s Mayor Malik on Wednesday launched three new e-governance services—National Urban Livelihoods Mission (NULM), property tax, and Right to Information (RTI)—under the e-governance project. MC Yadav told that under the property tax service, city residents could view outstanding […]

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While being on the endeavor of making services online for the new age internet savvy people, Chandigarh administration’s Mayor Malik on Wednesday launched three new e-governance services—National Urban Livelihoods Mission (NULM), property tax, and Right to Information (RTI)—under the e-governance project.

MC Yadav told that under the property tax service, city residents could view outstanding property tax, previous payments paid, details of the property, and pay property tax online. The officials can spot the defaulters of the property tax and will also be able to check sector-wise property tax details of the entire city.

Under the National Urban Livelihoods Mission,  residents or NGOs could raise online applications for the schemes and programs offered by the ministry of housing and urban affairs like the self-employment program (SEP), social mobilization and institutional development (SMID), etc.

Street vendors can also get themselves registered using this e-service. Also, people will have the privilege of online application approval, online NGO, and shelter home registration, etc.

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NewsBytes: Bharat Bandh, Dec. 8, 2020 What will remain Closed in Tricity? https://chandigarhbytes.com/newsbytes-bharat-bandh-dec-8-2020-what-will-remain-closed-in-tricity/ Tue, 08 Dec 2020 05:34:15 +0000 https://chandigarhbytes.com/?p=7122 Bharat Bandh: Petrol pumps, shops to be closed in Mohali; partial shutdown in Chandigarh and Panchkula  Petrol pumps and shops in Mohali will participate in the “Bharat Bandh” on Tuesday. While chemist shops will remain open, other stores will stay closed from 11am to 4pm and petrol pumps will also not offer their services from […]

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Bharat Bandh: Petrol pumps, shops to be closed in Mohali; partial shutdown in Chandigarh and Panchkula

  •  Petrol pumps and shops in Mohali will participate in the “Bharat Bandh” on Tuesday.
  • While chemist shops will remain open, other stores will stay closed from 11am to 4pm and petrol pumps will also not offer their services from 8am to 5pm.
  • Shops may also remain closed till 3pm in Chandigarh and Panchkula. However, petrol pumps in both cities will be open.
  • Bank services will not be affected anywhere in the tricity, as bank unions have announced that they will not be participating in the nationwide shutdown to avoid inconvenience to citizens.

Bharat Bandh' Tomorrow From 11 am to 3 pm, 'Chakka Jam' in Delhi

“In support of farmers, we have decided to close the petrol pumps from 8am to 5pm in Punjab. Fuel will be given only for emergency services,” said Paramjeet Singh Doaba, president, Petrol Pump Dealers Association, Punjab.

Similarly, Vineet Verma, president, Mohali Beopar Mandal, said traders will be keeping shops closed from 11am to 4pm, but chemist shops will remain open.

In Chandigarh, general secretary of the Petrol Dealers Association, Amandeep Singh said, “Although we support farmers, petrol pumps are an essential service and will be open on Monday.”

Panchkula petrol pumps will also not participate in the strike, said Sanjay Kalra, vice-president of Panchkula Petroleum Dealers Association.

The Panchkula market welfare associations have decided to keep shop shutters down till 3pm, while a uniform decision has not been taken by similar bodies in Chandigarh.

Opposition Parties Send Message Of Support For Farmers' "Bharat Bandh":  विपक्षी दलों ने किसानों के लिए समर्थन का संदेश भेजा "भारत बंद"

“We have left it to the market body presidents to take a call whether they want to support the strike or not. But, essential shops will be available,” said Anil Vohra, president, Chandigarh Beopar Mandal.

He added even if some markets were closed, these will resume business by 3pm.

Restaurant associations also confirmed that all eating joints and hotels will conduct normal business on Tuesday.

Panchkula Beopar Mandal president Bobby Singh said, “We are with the farmers and fully support them. We have given a call to close all shops till 3pm.”


Advocates to strike work

Advocates in Chandigarh will abstain from work on Tuesday in support of farmers.

The Bar Council of Punjab and Haryana has already announced its support and asked all advocates of Punjab, Haryana and Chandigarh to strike work.

Tricity Consumer Courts Bar Association, Chandigarh, has also announced its support for farmers and its members will not be working.

Avoid Tribune Chowk

The Chandigarh traffic police have issued an advisory, asking both local commuters and those coming from other cities to avoid the route between Tribune Chowk and Zirakpur barrier on Tuesday.

UT adviser Manoj Parida took to Twitter to confirm that government offices will be open on Tuesday and police will be present to maintain law and order.

Mohali district magistrate Girish Dayalan also assured that adequate arrangements had been made to avoid disorder.

Bharat Bandh News: जानें 'भारत बंद' को किन-किन संगठनों का मिला समर्थन, आपके  रोजमर्रा के जीवन पर कितना होगा असर?

Two blockades are expected by farmers at the Lalru entry point and Kharar bus stand.

Around 1,100 cops will be deputed on roads and 50 check posts will also be set up across the district. Besides, fire brigades and ambulances will be deployed at strategic points.



Source: HT Times

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