As the name suggests, the movie “Chandigarh Kare Aashiqui” is based upon a love story in the city beautiful ‘Chandigarh’. The movie will be depicting the tadka of a Punjabi gabru and a kudi. The company T-series has collaborated with Abhishek Kapoor (director) in the making of this movie.
Chandigarh Kare Aashiqui Movie Star Cast
Ayushman Khurana and Vaani Kapoor will be sharing the big screen for the very first time in lead roles & If we come making this film, the director of this movie Mr Abhishek Kapoor has a stunning portfolio with his movies like Kedarnath, Kai Poche, Fitoor, Uff ye Mohabbat, Rock on 2 and many more.
Movie’s Release Date
The producer of this movie is Bhushan Kumar & Pragya Kapoor & it is expected to release on July 9 2021. Therefore, Ayushman Khurana is working out daily & making his beard longer to look like a chandigarhian gabru. Apart from this, he is quite much excited about the movie because Chandigarh is the city where he has born and brought up, which makes him feel proud to be a part of this movie.
Movie’s Trailer.
The shooting scenes are captured in the city of Chandigarh itself. Therefore, Being the main lead actor, he is able to connect himself with the character of this movie. Ayushman Khurana has posted a shirtless picture on insta handle with the clapperboard of this movie and has captioned “this is the announcement of movie’s date only, the trailer is about to come”. Wasn’t that exciting
What are your expectations for this movie “Chandigarh Kare Aashiqui”? Comment down below. Tell us in the comment section, what do you think about Aayushman & his upcoming chemistry with Vani Kapoor. For more further updates, do follow Chandigarh Bytes