Electricity – Chandigarh Bytes https://chandigarhbytes.com Tue, 11 Apr 2017 11:50:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://chandigarhbytes.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/cropped-CB-Small-1-32x32.png Electricity – Chandigarh Bytes https://chandigarhbytes.com 32 32 No more power cuts!!Privatization of the power supply in Chandigarh https://chandigarhbytes.com/no-more-power-cutsprivatization-of-the-power-supply-chandigarh/ Mon, 10 Apr 2017 10:23:45 +0000 https://chandigarhbytes.com/?p=3804 No more sitting in the dark cause of power supply. Privatization of the power supply in Chandigarh to make the city Green Capital of India. UT Administrator VP Bhadnore has envisioned it as to fulfill the dream of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to plug the weak link between the generation, transmission, and distribution of electricity […]

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No more sitting in the dark cause of power supply. Privatization of the power supply in Chandigarh to make the city Green Capital of India. UT Administrator VP Bhadnore has envisioned it as to fulfill the dream of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to plug the weak link between the generation, transmission, and distribution of electricity and create competition in the discoms.

Privatization of the power supply in Chandigarh

At present, the generation and transmission are intact but the distribution is not up to the mark. The discoms are blamed for the poor electricity in our country. Chandigarh soon to get relieved from those power cuts. Chandigarh is taking the initiative to bring multiple discoms to distribute electricity in the country.

Benefits of Privatization of the power supply in Chandigarh

  • The consumers will have the freedom to choose their service provider
  • Consumers could easily switch their service provider if not satisfied
  • No power cuts as each provider will work at its best
  • No complaint calls at centres
  • Multiple distributors
  • Better Supply of power

If the Privatization of the power supply in Chandigarh is done it will be a win-win situation for the residents and as well as the service providers. VP Bhadnore is already working on it to upgrade the system for public welfare. The Administrator wants to take it to another level and wishes to make the city beautiful best in the country. City Beautiful is already at a higher level than other cities but the major challenge is to take 13 villages under UT on par with Chandigarh.  The UT Administration is considering every point and trying their best to solve every problem the residents of Chandigarh are facing.

Privatization of the power supply in Chandigarh

To solve the peak hour traffic they have come up with an idea to restrict one-way traffic for two peak hour time in the morning and evening to smoothen the traffic of vehicles on roads. The Smart City Project is already here and the Administration is trying to implement it as soon as possible.

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High-Velocity Storm in Chandigarh create turbulence in the city, causing inconvenience to the residents https://chandigarhbytes.com/high-velocity-storm-in-chandigarh-create-turbulence-in-the-city-causing-inconvenience-to-the-residents/ Fri, 07 Apr 2017 17:36:26 +0000 https://chandigarhbytes.com/?p=3721 The High-Velocity Storm in Chandigarh shook everyone, at one point of time it was like difficult walk against the stream of wind. You actually had to put in efforts to walk against the stream, it was continuously holding you back. Effects of High-Velocity Storm in Chandigarh and surroundings Chandigarh The dusty winds left the residents […]

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The High-Velocity Storm in Chandigarh shook everyone, at one point of time it was like difficult walk against the stream of wind. You actually had to put in efforts to walk against the stream, it was continuously holding you back.

High-Velocity Storm in Chandigarh

Effects of High-Velocity Storm in Chandigarh and surroundings


The dusty winds left the residents of many sectors without power for many hours. Windy storm though bought a sigh of relieving from the heat wave but in turn, they had experienced long power cuts. The task became very difficult at the centres as complaints fell like a whole lot.

High-Velocity Storm in Chandigarh

The power cuts were caused by the branches of trees that fell on electrical wires due to windy weather. The affected areas included Sector 23, 24, 25, 17,18, 19, 21, 22, 41, 44, 8, 7, 37, 38, 39 40, Burail and many villages.


The strong winds lashed yesterday disrupted the water and power supply troubling the residents. The power cut was from 7 am to around 3 pm. A water treatment plant in Phase VI got burned and the pumping of water could not take place.

High-Velocity Storm in Chandigarh


The same issue was witnessed here also over two hours of power cut yesterday due to a breakdown of the line. Experiencing the wind was still alright but the heavy rain damaged everything affecting the main grid.

High-Velocity Storm in Chandigarh

Showers in Chandigarh ultimately lowers the temperature in the city, the winds approximately brought down the temperature to 5 degrees. Tricity approximately recorded rainfall of around 5.3mm. The repair work immediately started after the storm and power were recovered too many parts of the city. The traffic lights in the city also conked out as of stormy weather leading to traffic disturbances but by evening the situation was controlled as the traffic lights started working. High-Velocity Storm in Chandigarh affected the almost everyone in residential areas, markets, industries, colleges, schools, hospitals everywhere.

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