CTU – Chandigarh Bytes https://chandigarhbytes.com Fri, 07 Jul 2017 13:25:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://chandigarhbytes.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/cropped-CB-Small-1-32x32.png CTU – Chandigarh Bytes https://chandigarhbytes.com 32 32 The Alternate Side Parking Will Soon Implemented in Chandigarh Residential Areas https://chandigarhbytes.com/the-alternate-side-parking-will-soon-implemented-in-chandigarh-residential-areas/ Fri, 07 Jul 2017 13:25:36 +0000 https://chandigarhbytes.com/?p=5754 As we all know about the chandigarhians love for vehicles and also about the increasing number of vehicles in Chandigarh. This is causing problems related to traffic. So to ensure smooth flow of traffic in residential areas, Chandigarh administration is planning to introduce the concept of alternate side parking. According to this rule, parking will be […]

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As we all know about the chandigarhians love for vehicles and also about the increasing number of vehicles in Chandigarh. This is causing problems related to traffic. So to ensure smooth flow of traffic in residential areas, Chandigarh administration is planning to introduce the concept of alternate side parking.

 The Alternate Side Parking Will Soon Implemented in Chandigarh Residential Areas

According to this rule, parking will be allowed on one side of the street on the even calendar day and on the other side to the odd calendar days. The policy will be tabled before UT adviser Parimal Rai and then sent to the UT administrator for approval.

What Is Included In The Alternate Side Parking:

The number of vehicles is rising in Chandigarh and there is no sufficient parking space in the city for vehicles because of this residents are parking on both sides of internal roads and this is causing chaos. This is the reason the Administration has come up with the idea of Alternate Side Parking to improve the public Transport.  As per the proposal, odd-even parking restrictions will be imposed on wide roads within sectors. However, there will be a complete ban on narrow roads. There are some things about the Alternate Side Parking:

  • On even calendar days, parking will be allowed on one side of the street, and on odd calendar days, on the other.
  • After the enforcement residents will be able to park their cars only on the designated side of the street.
  • Also, signage will be put on the streets informing about the restrictions.
  • Police will also help in the proper implementation of the new plan.
  • People who will try to violate the rule, they will have to pay Challan.

For the past few years, CTU has been making efforts to better public transportation and then came up with the idea of one-side parking. According to them, this will help to clear the other side of the road, thus enabling free movement of vehicles and pedestrians. CTU is also planning a fleet of e-rickshaws to drop commuters to their doorsteps. This is the right step but its effective enforcement should be there. Hope, Odd-even parking will help to control chaos on inner roads of sectors.

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Chandigarh Electric Bus On Trial Has Hit The Roadblock| Poor mileage https://chandigarhbytes.com/chandigarh-electric-bus-on-trail-has-hit-the-roadblock-poor-mileage/ Thu, 06 Jul 2017 17:20:15 +0000 https://chandigarhbytes.com/?p=5719 Chandigarh Administration wants to make the city clean, green and also want to check on the increasing pollution that is raising due to the increasing number of the vehicles. Under smart city project they have decided to include the electric buses in Chandigarh and for this, they also introduced an electric bus to the city’s road for […]

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Chandigarh Administration wants to make the city clean, green and also want to check on the increasing pollution that is raising due to the increasing number of the vehicles. Under smart city project they have decided to include the electric buses in Chandigarh and for this, they also introduced an electric bus to the city’s road for trial bases.

Chandigarh Electric Bus On Trail Has Hit The Roadblock| Poor mileage

The Chandigarh Pollution Control Committee (CPCC) has recorded 100 micrograms per cubic metre (mcgcu m) of repairable suspended particulate matter (RSPM), which was higher than permissible limit of 60 micrograms per cubic metre.  But this project of Chandigarh Transport Undertaking (CTU) has hit a roadblock.

Negatives Of The Chandigarh Electric Bus:

After this trial, the 11-member inspection committee has noted some shortcomings in the electrical bus that was on the road for two-week long trial. After making the report of all the shortcomings officials of CTU on Wednesday in a meeting with the representatives of the manufacturer asked them to remove the defects. Some Problems with the electric bus are:

  • The report said that this bus was unable to run for one shift of seven hours.
  • An ordinary bus can cover a distance between 230km to 250km in a single shift but this electric bus covered only 180 km a day on single charge, carrying 1,750 kg.
  • The bus encountered the problem of manoeuvring on turns and this is because of the battery is fitted on the roof.
  • The battery also faced difficulties in charging.
  • Fluctuation in voltage makes it unable to charge.
  • The report also pointed out poor quality of suspension.The bus lacked air suspension.
  • The high initial cost of the bus is also a negative aspect. The bus will cost around Rs 2 crore, while an ordinary bus of a similar size is available for around Rs 30 lakh.

Positives Of The Bus:

There are also some positives that are included in the reports and that is the Zero emission and a running cost is Rs 5 for each km. The CTU’s main objective to go for electric buses is to reduce pollution. The administration has handed over the shortcomings to the manufacturer and asked them to remove all of them and after that, there will be another trial to check it.

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