HomeNewsMohali Is Going To Install CCTV Cameras To Record Crime

Mohali Is Going To Install CCTV Cameras To Record Crime

HomeNewsMohali Is Going To Install CCTV Cameras To Record Crime

Mohali Is Going To Install CCTV Cameras To Record Crime

To check on increasing crime in Mohali, municipal corporation and greater Mohali area development authority (GMADA) are planning to install the CCTV cameras to record the crime in the city. These cameras will be very helpful to record all the activities and will work 24×7. Police and corporation are planning to install cameras traffic light areas and market areas. These “CCTV surveillance will help the city residents and increase their safety, traffic violation will also prevent, it will also help to identify the criminals especially those who absconded after attempting crime.Mohali is going to install CCTV cameras to record crime

Mohali CCTV camera project cost:

The Control room for monitoring the cameras will be located at the Phase 8 police station. Total amount decided to spend on these CCTV cameras is 1,90 crore. GMADA has already issued some amount to the private company for the initiation of the project. For the installation of cameras, police have divided Mohali into four parts.

Installation points and purpose of Cameras:

  1. The installation of these CCTV cameras has been done to make the city safer place to live and to check on the increasing crime.
  2. The decision to install CCTV cameras are taken because of increasing incidents of theft, burglary, snatching, traffic violations, etc.
  3. Total 104 cameras are going to install in the city and 24 points have decided for installation. Phase 7 market, 3B2, Phase 5 market, and at almost every major traffic-light stop.
  4. The cameras will be monitored on a single screen which will also look after traffic and other incidents in the city. 104 CCTV cameras will be monitored 24×7 by dedicated police staff.

Nowadays crime in the city is increasing and Mohali is witnessing murder, theft, rape and traffic violation. And the administration is concerned with the safety of the residents, so they are planning to install an eye on walls that will protect people.

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