Chandigarh cycling infrastructure – Chandigarh Bytes Wed, 30 Nov 2022 10:46:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Chandigarh cycling infrastructure – Chandigarh Bytes 32 32 Time to Shine: Chandigarh to Showcase Cycle Infrastructure at Meet Thu, 24 Nov 2022 09:42:29 +0000 Known as the “cycling capital” of India, Chandigarh has finally been recognized and will be showcasing its cycling infrastructure in Chandigarh. To improve the environment, cycles were introduced in Chandigarh city. The main effect of pushing people to use the cycle was to reduce traffic and to change the health habits of residents. The government […]

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Known as the “cycling capital” of India, Chandigarh has finally been recognized and will be showcasing its cycling infrastructure in Chandigarh. To improve the environment, cycles were introduced in Chandigarh city. The main effect of pushing people to use the cycle was to reduce traffic and to change the health habits of residents. The government has taken several steps and introduced many policies regarding cycle use.

Chandigarh cycling

UT Administration has upgraded its cycling infrastructure in Chandigarh. These include dedicated cycle underpasses, mandatory roof-covered cycle parking in offices, and giving priority to cyclists in traffic.

There are several incentives provided by the government for cycling infrastructure in Chandigarh like leave credits, monetary benefits, and facilities for employees who opt for cycles. Each government office will have a different policy to initiate cycling policy. Employees who opt for the cycle will be provided with half-day leaves on weekly bases. Monetary incentives will also be provided for covering a particular distance. The government will also give awards and recognitions to those who use cycles. The same thing will be implied for the private sector as well. 

Cycling policy act as a powerful tool for the government to encourage residents to opt for cycles. Chandigarh cycling infrastructure is specially made for that.

Do you know that Chandigarh has the highest per capita ownership of motorized vehicles?

Well yes! This has led to severe parking and environmental issues.

To create sustainable urban travel in Chandigarh, traveling by cycle can help.

More parking area for cycles than cars has been allotted.

Overview of Cycling Infrastructure in Chandigarh at Meet

The Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) expressed gratitude to Chandigarh for its amazing cycling infrastructure in Chandigarh and pedestrian. To honor cycling infrastructure in Chandigarh, Chandigarh Smart City Limited (CSCL) will be showcasing it to representatives of other cities which contains 92 cities in the next month. 

cycling infrastructure in the Chandigarh

As directed by Ministry, CSCL will be organizing a two-day workshop from December  19 and 20. Representatives from 92 cities will be participating in this workshop. Presentations from different cities will be given. During this workshop, Chandigarh will be showcasing its cycling infrastructure. Here new policy for cycling will also be unveiled. The public bicycle-sharing (PBS) project will also be discussed.

In context to Chandigarh cycling infrastructure, a total number of 2,500 bicycles have been provided at 310 different stations across the city. 1250 e-bikes will also be added to 155 stations after the continuation of the third phase of the PBS project.

The third phase of the PBS project will be launched soon. Hyderabad-based Smart Bike Tech Private Limited will be executing this project under Chandigarh cycling infrastructure soon. Due to the large-scale vandalism of bicycles and the financial sustainability of the project has been delayed. Streets lights at several places for a wide network of cycle tracks will also be installed to boast the city for cycling. A survey was conducted for Chandigarh cycling infrastructure in which it was found that 52 km of cycle tracks should be repaired to avoid any kind of accident. 17 km of the track has been repaired and the remaining is under maintenance. A whopping amount of 3.8 crores has been spent to complete repair work of the cycle track.

Accommodating Road Network For Cycling Tracks

The cycling policy focuses on the integration of cycle tracks with different modes of public transport for better connectivity for people. There will be an integrated payment system for transit and a bicycle-sharing system for use.

Chandigarh cycling infrastructure

Now the question arises, how will integration be achieved? Well, this can be done by providing full fledge knowledge about multiple public transport modes at bus stops, railway stations, and public bicycle sharing stations to the public. The cycle tracks should be set up in such a manner that they should be close to work, entertainment, and commercial places. This will allow the cyclists for smooth and safe access to cycles and will urge them to convert their traveling mode to cycles.

5 Reasons to opt for Cycles

There are many health benefits of cycling. During the pandemic, it was an excellent opportunity for India to go for a green mode of transportation. 

cycling infrastructure

Today we are presenting 5 reasons why you should go cycling.

Cycling is Good for Physical and Emotional Well-Being

Cycling act as a health booster for many people. It increases the supply of air to the lungs and improves blood circulation in all organs.

People who have a cycling habit have a lower risk of developing cardiovascular and other diseases. It is the best activity to overcome stress. 

Cycling is Safe Rather Than Driving

According to the sources, cycling is the safest form of transportation. Proper learning about bicycling should be kept in mind before going cycling. A person should have proper knowledge about tracks and keep the rules and regulations in mind.

Proper Time and Money Management

The decision to opt for cycling is good. It will help you manage your time and you’ll be financially stable. It will also help you focus on health. These days people are suffering from traffic jams, a cycle can be an option for that. 

Environment-friendly Transportation

This type of transportation can make a big difference in people’s lives and the environment. Due to raising concerns about pollution, the government should make it mandatory for people to opt for cycle once a week. Like chandigarh different cities in India should make policies that would benefit people and the environment both.

Reduction of Pressure on Public Transport Networks

To reduce overcrowding in public transport cycling can be a good option. Raising demands for public transport are affecting traffic jams. People are stuck in traffic for hours. To eliminate such problems it’s important the government should take important decisions.

Parting Ways

Although there are fewer cities that lay emphasis on cycling as a mode of transportation. Chandigarh has taken this initiative in past years and has been recognized for doing so. It should be set as an example for other cities as well. Cycling infrastructure in Chandigarh is a big step towards sustainable urban living.

So what are you waiting for? Go for green transportation from today.

Also read: Chandigarh: Sector 17 to get a new life 

The post Time to Shine: Chandigarh to Showcase Cycle Infrastructure at Meet appeared first on Chandigarh Bytes.
