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Basil seeds are packed with lots of benefits need not be missed by you people. In India, Basil or Tulsi has a deep spiritual and religious significance in the Hinduism. But there are also a lot of benefits that you can reap from this plant. You will be surprised to know how beneficial the plant is for the human race.

Know The Health Benefits Of Basil Seeds Or Tulsi

Health Benefits Of Basil Seeds

Read below some health benefits of Basil seeds:

  1. Basil seeds can help you if you are very upset with your weight and if you want to lose your weight. You should start having basil seeds as they are rich in fibre and after having these, you will not feel like hungry. This will help you in reducing your habits of eating again and again.
  2. If you want to make your hair healthy and shiny naturally then basil seeds is the answer you because these seeds are rich in Vitamin K, protein and iron. This helps in making hair healthier.
  3. This is also very helpful in making skin healthier. To get the benefits, you have to mix of Basil seeds and coconut oil. This is effective to ward off many skin related diseases.
  4. Nowadays, our eating habits are so weird that this can lead to many problems related to digestion and many a times we have to face acidity. Basil seeds have cooling and soothing effects on the stomach.
  5. These seeds can reduce the blood sugar levels in your body and help to treat patients who have type 2 diabetes. It is advised to take soaked basil seeds (1tsp), toned milk (1 glass) and vanilla for flavour.
  6. Constipation is also a very common problem these days and if you wish to relieve your constipation problem, then try soaked basil seeds that will cleanse your stomach.
  7. These seeds are used to lower body heat as well and that is why these are one of the important ingredients in a number of cool drinks such as falooda, rooh afza, nimbu pani and sherbet in summer.
  8. Basil seeds contain many phytochemicals and polyphenolic flavonoids like Orientin, vicenin and other antioxidants. The leaves are rich in essential oils like limonene, citral and terpineol. It contains lutein, zeaxanthin, vitamin A and vitamin K and minerals.

The post Health Benefits Of Basil Seeds Or Tulsi: How many of these did you know appeared first on Chandigarh Bytes.
