VP Singh – Chandigarh Bytes https://chandigarhbytes.com Tue, 17 Jan 2017 11:58:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://chandigarhbytes.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/cropped-CB-Small-1-32x32.png VP Singh – Chandigarh Bytes https://chandigarhbytes.com 32 32 #News: Overtaking a School Bus in Chandigarh could get you in trouble https://chandigarhbytes.com/news-overtaking-a-school-bus-in-chandigarh-could-get-you-in-trouble/ Tue, 17 Jan 2017 11:58:11 +0000 https://chandigarhbytes.com/?p=1944 Chandigarh has launched a new law that anybody overtaking a School Bus in Chandigarh, will be issued a challan will be done for the person ceasing any bus. School kids going home from school traveling in school buses has become a threat to parents whether their children will return safe or not because of the […]

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Chandigarh has launched a new law that anybody overtaking a School Bus in Chandigarh, will be issued a challan will be done for the person ceasing any bus. School kids going home from school traveling in school buses has become a threat to parents whether their children will return safe or not because of the road accidents happening every day. 

Traffic Police Chandigarh is celebrating its 28throad safety week during the closing ceremony of the program VP Singh took the initiative to talk about the reasons for the road accidents of school buses. Being the chief guest he articulated that anybody violating the rules would be punished and strict action will be taken against the violator.

He gesticulates to the audience present in the ceremony that why does a school bus has a yellow color? The yellow color is meant for being ready to go. The school kids are eager to go home so they never care about traffic, they just run after getting out of the bus. The person driving vehicles should be careful about children running out from buses. Singh also stated that many countries have strict laws and rules for overtaking school buses.

For everybody’s safety, Drive safe be safe. The rules and laws should be followed with utmost sincerely. Youngsters should take the initiative to educate people about the rules and laws.

VP Singh strictly administers that everybody trying to do some mischief with the school bus in Chandigarh should be strictly punished and fined. A challan will be issued anybody stopping or overtaking a School Bus in Chandigarh.


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