Gmch32 – Chandigarh Bytes Fri, 17 Mar 2017 12:47:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Gmch32 – Chandigarh Bytes 32 32 Can feeding Breast Milk spoil your figure too?! Says 45% Mother’s of Chandigarh Fri, 17 Mar 2017 12:17:25 +0000 Mother’s Milk is an essential source for the child to be healthy, it is the only source of nutrition for all the newborns. Breast Milk contains certain complex proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and other biologically active components. It is rich in protein and antibodies that provide passive immunity to the baby. Mother’s Milk provides certain antibodies […]

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Mother’s Milk is an essential source for the child to be healthy, it is the only source of nutrition for all the newborns. Breast Milk contains certain complex proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and other biologically active components. It is rich in protein and antibodies that provide passive immunity to the baby.

Mother’s Milk provides certain antibodies to fight the infection that can be caused by pathogens. A child should be fed with Mother’s milk for least 6 months of birth.

Breast Milk

Status of feeding Breast Milk within 1st Hour of birth

  • 3% mothers feed their child with milk.
  • 3% mothers feed with honey.
  • 30% mothers provide cow milk.

A Survey has been done in Community Medicine Department GMCH-32 in Chandigarh. According to the Survey, only 32.3% children received breast milk and others got powder milk or cow milk when almost 86.7% of mothers know that only breast milk is healthy for approximately first 6 months of birth.

Most of the mothers are unaware of the fact that what can be fed with mother’s milk for proper nutrition to the child.Toddlers need this breast milk for all the essential nutrients and antibodies. During the first few days after delivery, the mother produces colostrum. During the first few days after delivery, the mother produces colostrum.

Breast Milk

Here is a message for all the pregnant mothers please feed your child with Breast Milk for at least six months of birth so that they turn out to become a healthy and well-built child. Mothers basically feel that it shall spoil their figure but the figure can be maintained at a later stage as well, for now, child’s health holds more importance.

The post Can feeding Breast Milk spoil your figure too?! Says 45% Mother’s of Chandigarh appeared first on Chandigarh Bytes.
