FREE – Chandigarh Bytes Fri, 11 Dec 2020 12:52:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 FREE – Chandigarh Bytes 32 32 20 Free and Fun Things to do this weekend Fri, 11 Dec 2020 12:52:49 +0000   Tired of spending the same old weekend going to the same old places in the city. This weekend let’s pledge together to do some offbeat activities which you had rarely done before. 1. Attend a Bachata Dance class   You may not have time going to Salsa or Bachata classes every day, but you […]

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Tired of spending the same old weekend going to the same old places in the city. This weekend let’s pledge together to do some offbeat activities which you had rarely done before.

1. Attend a Bachata Dance class

Resultado de imagen de gifs animados de baile salsa | Gif bailando, Baile,  Gifs


You may not have time going to Salsa or Bachata classes every day, but you sure can spare one hour once a week to do that. Open google and fin the nearest bachata class. Most dance studios give a Free first Demo class. And trust me, there is plenty of Bachata dance studio around Tricity.

2. Learn to Juggle

You can always grab some empty bottles or balls or oranges and try your hand at juggling. Although Please beware of Your Mummyji!!

11 April :- Jindal sahab laut aaye ! | Guddan

3. Listen to some podcasts.

4 Podcasts That Every Girl Should Listen To - Society19

We absorb what we hear and when we listen to a podcast, we fully concentrate on the words. There is some great podcast available both in English and Hindi on various platforms like Google Podcast, Spotify, etc. Go check them out now!

4. Host a poker party

Not that we encourage you to gamble, but once in a while calling your friends over for a fun PatteBaazi night can make your weekend fun-tastic.

A North Indian's Guide To Throwing A Diwali Party | LBB5. Teach yourself a card trick

Open up youtube and teach yourself a card trick, after all, you need something to show yourself off in front of your friends. Try learning basic shuffles like riffle first, and then move to the advanced.

6. Plant a Plant in a Pot

What could be a better way to connect to your inner self via connecting to mother eart

Everything You Need to Know About Container Gardening

h. Buy yourself a small plant and some gardening soil. Wear an old t-shirt and dive into the process of sowing a seed/plantlet. You will feel calm and content from the inside.

7. Go Bicycling

Chandigarh By Cycle

If you are outdoorsy, you can go to sukhna for bicycling. Now Chandigarh has even installed Smart bike all over the city. All you gotta do is download the app, unlock the bike, ride it around the city and leave it on any docking stations. Check this article for more details.

8. Do a ‘bill reduction.’

Benefits of using SmartPump Technology - Smart Pump

What’s more fun than saving some money. Check your past month’s transactions and make a list of No- No’s for yourself. You can always call the bank for getting credit card transaction reduction offers or other promotional benefits.

Disclaimer- This could be fun as well as stressful if you know what I mean. So, Handle yourself with care!

9. Make 30 things in 30 weeks list


Summer Bucket List |

All over the week, we think all the what-ifs of the world and on weekends we just sleep it off. Come on! It’s time to take action on making all of your “I wanna do this..” true. Grab a pen and make a list. Paste it on your wall. Do one task every Sunday till every item on the list get’s crossed.

10. Call your School Buddy

10 Reasons Why School Friends are Better than College Friends – BuddyBits

Everybody had their desk partners cum best friends in their kindergarten. Have you ever wonder where they are today? Find them on social media and drop a message. Or better! Give them a call.

11. Make a time capsule

How to Make a Pandemic Time Capsule - The New York Times

I have watched in Netflix’s films people doing this time capsule thingy! It’s a great way to preserve some memories in the age of digital content. All you gotta do is, grab a box (wooden/metal/plastic) put some of your favorite things inside, small souvenirs you would like to preserve. It could be a photo, keychain, or anything. Add a message for a future self. And just bury this box in the ground somewhere.

You can open your time capsule 5 or 10 years later to cherish your older self.

12. Scan your old pictures

New App Makes It Easier to Colorize Old Photos | Smart News | Smithsonian  Magazine

Go through all of your old pictures and adore the way you have grown. Not just physically, but mentally, emotionally, intellectually. Recall the journey you have been on and look how far you have come.

13. Do some networking

Networking Is Necessary For Career Advancement. Here's Why

Spend an afternoon on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram not just scrolling the feed, but as interacting with people. Drop random messages and craft emails to the companies or people who inspire you. This is how we create opportunities for ourselves.

14. Invite friends over to your place for Gup Shupp

Just call a bunch of your friends, and invite them over for catching up on each other’s life.

The cast of Friends with producers Kauffman, Crane & Bright. | Friends  behind the scenes, Friends scenes, Friends cast

15. Join a book club or start one

Book Clubs Clip Art | Clipart Panda - Free Clipart Images

If you like reading and don’t find the time to read a book in your busy corporate job, joining a Sunday book club is your answer. Dig deep on Facebook to find book clubs near you. If you can’t find any, just start one yourself. It ain’t that difficult.

16. Plan a picnic lunch in the park

Best city picnic spots around the world |

Winter Sun and Sunday brunch! Ain’t these sounds a lovely combination? Pac yourself some fruits, Grab a sheet, and head over to the nearest park to spend an afternoon in sun. You can also carry your book/magazine to read while you are there.

17. Host a movie marathon

Pin on netflix

Netflix and chill, the favorite way of millions to spend time. Ultimately we all end up spending our day watching web series and shows. Get a little organized people. If that;’s what you wanna do, at; east do it perfectly. Decide on the shows and movies a night before. Stock up the fridge with snacks and coke. Call a friend over and do a movie marathon properly.

18. Pamper yourself with at home Mani-Pedi

Mani and Pedi package | 6 Treatments - Divaz Day Spa

It’s time you should start paying more attention to your hands and feet. And this is for all the guys and the Girls. Winters tend to chap our skin out. This Sunday, pamper yourself with DIY Manicure and Pedicure.

19. Read a book

8 books to read in the time of the coronavirus | PBS NewsHour

Writing and reading decrease our sense of isolation. They deepen and widen and expand our sense of life: They feed the soul. Movies often are outlined from books, but it still lacks many elements. Dive yourself into the magical world of books this weekend.

20. Just, Relax

Relax and feed your soul with whatever you want. This is a day for you and only you.

The post 20 Free and Fun Things to do this weekend appeared first on Chandigarh Bytes.
