Facial Recognition System In Chandigarh Colleges – Chandigarh Bytes https://chandigarhbytes.com Mon, 15 May 2017 11:09:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://chandigarhbytes.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/cropped-CB-Small-1-32x32.png Facial Recognition System In Chandigarh Colleges – Chandigarh Bytes https://chandigarhbytes.com 32 32 UT Government Is Going To Introduce Facial Recognition System In Chandigarh Colleges https://chandigarhbytes.com/ut-government-is-going-to-introduce-facial-recognition-system-in-chandigarh-colleges/ Mon, 15 May 2017 11:01:44 +0000 https://chandigarhbytes.com/?p=4693 Chandigarh Government has come with facial recognition system to check the absenteeism of the staff in colleges. The government got strict with the faculty members, administrative staff of government colleges and going to introduce this system. These machines will take the place of the biometric attendance system which scaned only fingerprints of the staff and these new […]

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Chandigarh Government has come with facial recognition system to check the absenteeism of the staff in colleges. The government got strict with the faculty members, administrative staff of government colleges and going to introduce this system. These machines will take the place of the biometric attendance system which scaned only fingerprints of the staff and these new facial recognition machines will scan fingerprints, iris and face.

Why This Facial Recognition System Is Going To Be Installed

UT government has decided that they will introduce the facial recognition attendence system in Government colleges that will help to check the absent staff. The other reason for installing this system in place of biometric attendance system is the complaints of staff members regarding biometric systems. A lot of staff members said that biometric systems failed to accept their thumb impression and they faced problem in marking their attendance. So these new machines would surely help teachers with attendance. The Postgraduate Government College (PGGC), Sector 11, claims to be the first in the city to have installed these machines. According to the College principle, it is for the convenience of teachers.

Some Teachers In Chandigarh Are Against the Decision

Many teachers from Chandigarh colleges are welcoming this decision of UT with appreciation and taking this decision as a good initiative. Some teachers who are against the proxy attendance are also happy that now those teachers will not be able to mark proxy attendance. But there are other teachers according to them this is not at all a good move and they said that it is unfair to sit in the college for five hours just to mark attendance twice after five hour’s duty. They also complained that sometimes teachers get free before time but because of this system, we will not be able to go before time because we have to mark attendance twice after 5 hours of duty.

According to the Sources in government, colleges said the new biometric system is not being implemented to all teachers because there are some physically challenged and visually impaired teachers also. These teachers are exempted from marking attendance on the machines twice.


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