chandigarh city – Chandigarh Bytes Sat, 15 Apr 2017 11:35:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 chandigarh city – Chandigarh Bytes 32 32 Chandigarh: City Is Facing Water Crisis Due To Non-Functional Tubewells Sat, 15 Apr 2017 11:35:41 +0000 As summer is on aggressive mode and city is facing water crisis due to non-functional tubewells. But the Chandigarh municipal corporation is doing nothing to start non-functional tubewells in the city. Not only tube wells are non-functional but MC is unable to replace all the old batteries and generators, which are of no use. A majority […]

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As summer is on aggressive mode and city is facing water crisis due to non-functional tubewells. But the Chandigarh municipal corporation is doing nothing to start non-functional tubewells in the city. Not only tube wells are non-functional but MC is unable to replace all the old batteries and generators, which are of no use. A majority of non-functional tube wells are either in colonies, villages or in the southern sector. Chandigarh: City Is Facing Water Crisis Due To Non-Functional Tubewells

Defunct tube wells and water crisis:

  • 87 MGD City’s available water 67 MGD comes from the Kajauli canal while the rest 20 MGD is withdrawn through tube wells. this is the reason why the city is facing water crisis due to non-functional tubewells.
  • According to Chandigarh MC report, around 26 of 248 tube wells are non-functional or abandoned.
  • Shortage of 2-4 million gallons per day of water due to these non-functional or abandoned tubewells.
  • This problem arisen because there is no inspection of tube wells after 2012 and the then chairman of the water supply committee and Congress councilor, Mukesh Bassi, had visited various tube wells and practice to improve the tubewell followed only in the same year.
  • Only 204 tube wells from total 248 are under the supervisory control and data acquisition system that provide a daily report regarding the operation of tubewells.

Drive against water wastage:

  • To check on the wastage of water in this summer season MC has started a drive from April 1.
  • Most of the people waste water to wash their cars in the morning hours and also use lots of water on their lawns. MC imposed the ban on this to stop the water wastage from April 1.
  • MC also announced fine of rupees 2000 in case if anyone tries to break the rule. This is done to stop the wastage of water in the city.
  • There is good news that city will get additional 40 million gallons per day of water through kajauli to Chandigarh pipeline by 2019.


The post Chandigarh: City Is Facing Water Crisis Due To Non-Functional Tubewells appeared first on Chandigarh Bytes.
