HomeCULTUREWhat is so good about Good Friday? Mark Good Friday in Chandigarh

What is so good about Good Friday? Mark Good Friday in Chandigarh

HomeCULTUREWhat is so good about Good Friday? Mark Good Friday in Chandigarh

What is so good about Good Friday? Mark Good Friday in Chandigarh

What is actually good about this Good Friday? Well have you ever wondered, we’ll tell it is a dark bleak to commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his death at Cavalry. On this day Jesus sacrificed for our sins and is followed by the Easter which is a glorious celebration in accordance to that Jesus was raised to life on the third day after the death. Basically celebrating his victory over sin and death and pointing ahead to a future resurrection for all who are united to him by faith. Make your prayers on this Good Friday in Chandigarh.

Good Friday in Chandigarh

Still, you must be thinking why is it called Good Friday instead of a Bad Friday. Good Friday name established from God’s Friday, as it was marked the dramatic culmination of God’s plan to save his people from their sins so the Good Friday name is absolutely appropriate.

Good Friday in Chandigarh

Good Friday in Chandigarh

Christian’s in Chandigarh can visit The Catholic Church in Sector 19 like every year. The ceremonies in almost Church will begin by 8:30 in the morning. So all the Christians be present there to thank God on this day.People will perform all the ceremonies and recall the whole episode of the crucifixion. Christ had taught us to touch the feet which meant that man should be prepared to touch the dirtiest part in his life as the feet is considered to be dirty.

What to do on Good Friday?

Good Friday in Chandigarh

  • Visit your local Church
  • Some Christians hold certain plays for Christian communities.
  • People Fast on Good Friday
  • If not going for mass, Pray at home.
  • Catholics fast from all the meat and dairy products.

Good Friday marks the day when wrath and mercy met at the cross. That’s why Good Friday is so dark and so Good. Many Christian churches celebrate Good Friday with a subdued service, usually in the evening, in which Christ’s death is remembered with solemn hymns, prayers of thanksgiving, a message centered on Christ’s suffering for our sakes, and observance of the Lord’s Supper. Whether or not Christians choose to “celebrate” Good Friday, the events of that day should be ever on our minds because of the death of Christ on the cross—along with His bodily resurrection—is the paramount event of the Christian faith. Good Friday in Chandigarh is expected to pomp and solemnity in various churches.

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